Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Reflection on using technology in the Classroom

Students love being able to use any type of technology in the classroom. I teach at a school where the poverty rate is greater than 50%, and so some of these kids never get to use computers unless they are at school. This makes it more exciting for them; however, they are often doing the things on the computer that they don't otherwise get a chance to do- facebook, IM, gaming, etc... and this drives me nuts!
There are also many other frustrating aspects though, for me, when using technology. For one, because I tend to be an "Assimilator," I like to be taught first how to use the technology, given time to practice so that I feel comfortable, then share it with my students. Because there is very little time in the workday to practice, and I have dial-up at home so practicing turns into hours and hours of frustration (without anyone to help me), I often don't get the practice that I'd prefer. Inevitably, it seems, something goes wrong and I don't know how to fix it, so I find myself searching for the media specialist to help me out. When I show the kids how to use it, unlike myself who prefers to watch it done first, they prefer to just "dive in." It doesn't take long before there are 30+ hands demanding help for things I've felt I've covered adequately. It's exhausting and frustrating!
Sometimes it's just plain easier to do things the old fashioned way!

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