Monday, February 16, 2009

The Pull of Facebook

Ironically, this past weekend I received four invitations to join facebook. I find this amazing because it's only since I've joined this class that I've been inundated with this technology.

During my undergrad study at NDSU I lived with three girls. We've kept in touch, albeit loosely. We send Christmas cards and we dabbled in email for a span. Now, all three have sent me an invite just this past weekend. I haven't erased them, but I haven't decided if I want to embrace this opportunity just yet. I want to, but I'm afraid of the time commitment. I can not be the person who spends daily time on Facebook.

Through discussions in class I've learned that I can set a privacy code and I know I could limit my involvement to just these three girls. That sounds promising to me. But, now I have no excuse to not spend the time staying in touch, right?

I feel like my life right now is so scheduled. Everything has it's time slot. As anal as that sounds, it works well for me. I like knowing what days I will have time to go for a run. I like knowing which day of the week I will have 40 minutes for the grocery store. I like knowing that when my kids are in bed, it's time for me to destress with a novel.

Adding something new to my life means that I have to take something else away. And Oprah tells me that as a woman that generally means that I will take something away that I do for myself. And I believe Oprah! And I don't know that I want to add more time in front of a computur screen rather than basking in my quiet read time! Hmmmm.


  1. Oh Jenn- Once again we are on the same page! I started a Facebook account 2 weeks ago, and I've spent quite a bit of time on it. However, like everything new, I believe that the novelty will wear off! But it is neat to reconnect with former (not old!!) friends and classmates!

  2. Hey, Jenn,
    I say to accept the invite. Facebook takes up as much time as you want it to. I have been on Facebook since last April and only have 6 friends (on purpose!) I only spend about 10 minutes twice a week on Facebook unless I really want to waste time after midnight. My friends know this and understand. You will have to be disciplined about not spending hours of time, but it is a fun medium to play with. I recently re-connected with one of my best high school friends who I haven't seen since college days. She lives in Wisconsin; without Facebook we would not be spending time together. Try it; you can always deactivate your account.
