Thursday, February 26, 2009

You Tube

I am beginning a storytelling unit in my classes right now. In this unit, students read several legends, myths etc. that have been passed down for generations, choose one, and then retell it in their own words. They must use voice and body language to make the story more interesting to listen to. In the past, I've read the legend Brother Coyote and Brother Cricket, and then we've watched a VHS of storyteller Tim Tingle retell the story. Students get video taped telling their stories and then learn an editting program (i-movie) to edit their videos. We then move into telling their own personal stories.

In the past, I've been less pleased by their personal stories, than the stories they have read and have to retell. Lots of kids don't think they have a story to tell, or they feel like their story has to be funny. I have them sketch out stories from their life after prompting them (draw a sketch of a time when you were scared; sketch out an animal that has touched your life in some way etc...) and I sketch along with them so they have a model to look at.

This year, I thought I'd check out You-tube to enhance these personal stories. I found a funny clip from the TV sitcom Scrubs. I don't personally watch the show, but there must be a character on there who always tells stories and this particular skit is about how every time he begins a story, someone yawns and passes out. The clip is really funny. I'm going to use this for those students who say, "I had a dog once. His name was Buddy. He was the best dog I've ever had. And that's all."

Now I'm still searching You-tube for an example of what to do. I'm sure there is something on there, but it does take some time of searching to find the right kind of thing. In the meantime, I've scouted out lots of commercials I can use during my media unit. I've never used You-tube in class before, and I am seeing how with my new projector, it could come in handy.

PS- I think the Jaws clips will come in handy for teaching foreshadowing as well!!

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