Monday, March 30, 2009

Final Project

I am considering using our final project, the website, as a part of my Masters portfolio. I am hoping to design a global literature class that incorporates several of the things I have learned in my graduate classes, including technology. I want the class to directly align with the Minnesota standards and be "teachable" for the '09-'10 school year.

Ironically, three things have recently happened to me which encourages me to begin this project that I've been too overwhelmed to work on. One, I found that I have access to a grant which will purchase materials for my Honors students for next year. These are precisely the students that I had in mind. These materials may include novels as well as technologies. Two, we have recently been asked to submit a new form to our district which shows exactly what we do to teach each standard, and three, I've discovered that my position will most likely change next year. I will no longer be teaching seventh grade only, but either a combination of seventh and eigth graders or seventh and low readers. In other words, I'll be needing to revamp my curriculum either way.

I'm attempting to brainstorm some ideas for my website. I'm envisioning links to
You-tubes that show some current cultural celebrations.
Google Earth (need to learn what's available here)
Mn Public Radio - podcasts on current events
Music would be great (don't know how to do that)

I'd like some great visuals about a country's
Popular tourist attractions
cultural traditions
current news events
religous aspects

Just a weak start...any ideas are welcome.

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