Friday, March 13, 2009

Quesiton about blogging

For some reason, I am unable to post to the D2L under Questions about Class, so I am hoping someone will be able to help me out here on my blog. Other than typing in an html address in a posting, is there another way to create a list of weblinks or youtubes? I tried to put in one under the layout tab. I think it was called links list, but it won't show up on my blog, rather I have to go back into the layout tab to get it.

1 comment:

  1. I'll check out the D2L forum and see if there's anything that would have prevented your posting to the Questions about Class. I thought that I had left that forum open.

    If you want to add a list of links in the left column of your blog, you can do that by picking Layout, then Add a Gadget, and then Link List. You simply enter the information needed for each item in the link list. This list can be changed anytime you like. I've used this successfully many times with URLs for web sites, but I haven't used it for YouTubes. The instructions say you can use it for that though.

    If this isn't working for you, you might want to check Known Issues for Blogger. I looked through it to see if there was anything that might apply to your situation, but I wasn't sure where you were trying to add the list of links. If you don't see something that fits your situation, and can't find anything through a search of issues, you might want to report the problem to the Help Group you can find linked from the Help link.

    If you want to add a link list or YouTubes to your postings themselves, you can choose the Compose view and then select the link icon five icons in from the Font selector on the tool bar. I use this to add links of any sort to postings, including links to YouTubes. However, if I want to embed the YouTube video using the embed code you can find on a YouTube site, I select Edit Html view and copy and paste the code into that window. Then I go back to the Compose view to finish my posting.

    Let me know if you have questions about anything I've said.
